Today was simply gorgeous, you could make an argument that it was the most beautiful day of 2011. We kicked things off with our first ever family/extended family Soccer game at the school across the street from our home. My nephew was the organizer of the game and did a great job of choosing the teams. Each team consisted of a few adults and kids ranging in ages from 5-12. Now you're probably thinking that with younger kids the game wasn't very competitive; however you would be sorely mistaken. Everyone played extremely hard with the kids leading the way and the adults following suit. The fun was off the charts! We even made a couple of new friends during the game with one family joining at halftime and a couple of free agents joining the game along the way. The game appropriately ended in a 9-9 tie with smiles all around the pitch.
Field of Dreams |
After the game, we headed across the street to
Robeks for some well deserved smoothies. After our smoothies, we parted ways with our family and friends and my wife and I grabbed some lunch at
Whole Foods.
After taking a brief break, I headed out for today's run. Down Nebraska Ave, through a couple different neighborhoods, back across Massachusetts Ave near the American University School of Law and back up Albemarle Street. The run was only 3.5 miles but after 2 hours of soccer in the morning I reached my max for the day.
Stats below:
3.52 miles
31:08 minutes
8:49 pace
543 calories
I hope everyone has a great night!
Until tomorrow.....Justin
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